The main ingredients of cornbread, one of the famous flavors of the Black Sea region in Turkey, are corn flour and yeast. This bread, which is also widely consumed in Georgia, plays an important role in protecting the health of the skin. Since it contains fiber, it gives a feeling of fullness for a long time. Although it has a high phosphorus and potassium content, it contains more fat than white bread. As a result, it should be consumed in small slices along with meals. How to make cornbread? If your ingredients are ready, let's see how to make Black Sea-style cornbread together!
How Many Calories is 1 Serving of Cornbread?
A 100-gram serving of cornbread is approximately 310 calories. A thinly cut slice of bread has an average of 95 calories. You can consume cornbread, which is included in diet lists, in small portions.
Cornbread goes well with meat and fish dishes and can be served with chowder or poached sea bass.
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